Da Nu’s: LWA KS OHKO; Silver Spoon 1st trailer; Gatchaman Crowds suits revealed; Ghibli Doc

OA here with the news that I find cool.

Little Witch Academia Kickstarter a resounding success

Not quite Madoka but amazing nonetheless

More magic on the way!

Less than five hours into the campaign Studio Trigger has already exceeded their goal for the second episode of their acclaimed Anime Mirai project Little Witch Academia, a fun and entertaining story about young witches at a magical school (that is conspicuously devoid of males). I myself am a backer in this project and I am quite proud to have been a part of it’s success. More details over here.

Silver Spoon trailer revealed

Noted Fullmetal Alchemist mangaka Hiromu Arakawa’s farming school manga Silver Spoon has released it’s first promo which features the opening song and some clips from the upcoming anime. I can only imagine if this does well then maybe other farming-related manga will see a surge in popularity and become animated….you know, like Vinland Saga. BAZINGA!

via ANN

Gatchaman Crowds suit designs unveiled

Cosplayers start your engines....

Cosplayers start your engines….

Coinciding with the release of the live-action film, the new Gatchaman (G-Force as I remember it and sometimes Battle of the Planets) animated series looks to be taking the old Tatsunoko ip in a different direction stylistically. With people like Kenji Nakamura (Tsuritama, Mononoke) and Kenji Andou (Tiger and Bunny) on staff this show, if not good looks to be at least interesting as eye candy. It makes me wonder what ‘s next for Tatsunoko, perhaps another Cashern? Maybe a Yatterman? Or Hurricane Polimar!

See the rest of the designs here.

Studio Ghibli Documentary coming this Fall

Dreams and Madness

A documentary film about legendary classic anime film company Studio Ghibli is set to release this Fall. Yume to Kyōki no Ōkoku (lit. Kingdom of Dreams and Madness) will follow directors Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata and producer Toshio Suzuki as they work on the studios latest films Kaze Tachinu (The Wind Rises) and  Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (The Tale of Princess Kaguya).

via ANN